
Contributions are welcome!

The repository is hosted at


If you want to implement a feature or a bugfix, please start by discussing it with us on the bugtracker or the matrix room.

Development environment

You can either run the demo locally or with docker. After having launched the demo you have access to several services:

The canaille server has some default users:

  • A regular user which login and password are user;

  • A moderator user which login and password are moderator;

  • An admin user which admin and password are admin;

  • A new user which login is james. This user has no password yet, and his first attempt to log-in would result in sending a password initialization email (if a smtp server is configurated).


Canaille comes with two backends:

  • a lightweight test purpose memory backend

  • a production-ready LDAP backend

Docker environment

If you want to develop with docker, your browser needs to be able to reach the canaille container. The docker-compose file exposes the right ports, but front requests are from outside the docker network: the canaille url that makes sense for docker, points nowhere from your browser. As exposed ports are on localhost, you need to tell your computer that canaille url means localhost.

To do that, you can add the following line to your /etc/hosts:   canaille

To launch containers, use:

cd demo
# To run the demo with the memory backend:
docker compose up

# To run the demo with the LDAP backend:
docker compose --file docker-compose-ldap.yml up

Local environment

# To run the demo with the memory backend:

If you want to run the demo locally with the LDAP backend, you need to have OpenLDAP installed on your system.

# To run the demo with the LDAP backend:
./demo/ --backend ldap


On Debian or Ubuntu systems, the OpenLDAP slapd binary usage might be restricted by apparmor, and thus makes the tests and the demo fail. This can be mitigated by removing apparmor restrictions on slapd.

sudo apt install --yes apparmor-utils
sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/slapd

Populate the database

The demo database comes populated with some random users and groups. If you need more, you can generate users and groups with the populate command:

# If using docker:
docker compose exec canaille env CONFIG=conf-docker/canaille-ldap.toml poetry run canaille populate --nb 100 users  # or docker-compose

# If running in local environment
env CONFIG=conf/canaille-ldap.toml poetry run canaille populate  --nb 100 users

Note that this will not work with the memory backend.

Unit tests

To run the tests, you just can run poetry run pytest and/or tox to test all the supported python environments. Everything must be green before patches get merged.

To test a specific backend you can pass --backend memory or --backend ldap to pytest and tox.

The test coverage is 100%, patches won’t be accepted if not entirely covered. You can check the test coverage with poetry run pytest --cov --cov-report=html or tox -e coverage -- --cov-report=html. You can check the HTML coverage report in the newly created htmlcov directory.

Code style

We use black along with other tools to format our code. Please run tox -e style on your patches before submiting them. In order to perform a style check and correction at each commit you can use our pre-commit configuration with pre-commit install.


The interface is built upon the Fomantic UI CSS framework. The dynamical parts of the interface use htmx.

  • Using Javascript in the interface is tolerated, but the whole website MUST be accessible for browsers without Javascript support, and without any feature loss.

  • Because of Fomantic UI we have a dependency to jQuery, however new contributions should not depend on jQuery at all. See the related issue.


Translations are done with Weblate, so all translation contributions should be done there.


The documentation is generated when the tests run:

tox -e doc

The generated documentation is located at ./build/sphinx/html.